Occupation 101

June 14, 2007 at 4:37 am | Posted in Middle East, Personal | 10 Comments

I don’t ordinarily like to talk about political things in my blog. It’s usually very personal opinions and its difficult to change people’s opinions on topics and then you just end up arguing. But still, I felt I had to blog about this… 

I recently purchased the DVD called Occupation 101. This is an EXCELLENT documentary that illustrates the dire situation that the Palestinians are living in and the oppression and hardships that they face. The document is very visual and graphic and it disturbed me after watching it. What was also an interesting surprise is that they included a lot of commentary from Israeli’s and Jewish people who sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians.

If you are interested in this topic, or just want to watch a good documentary you can purchase this DVD from Occupation 101 :: Official Site. Hope you enjoy it – and if you’ve seen it (or buy it and see it) I’d like to hear your opinions and discussion in the comments.


  1. Actually I don’t think that anyone won’t have an idea about what’s happening to them, i.e. my gf is not allowed to visit her country anymore, so since she was born she wasn’t able to go there even one time, and all the time she’s dreaming about the day she’ll visit it, so it’s even very bad to palestinians outside!

  2. Yes, I understand the situation must be horrible for her as she can’t go back to her home country…I never meant to take away from her situation, but you really need to see the DVD. The people who are actually still in Palestine, have it worse in my opinion as they can’t work, they don’t have money, they get shot at (by Settlers/Army people)…Children can’t go to schools/university…a woman died giving birth at a checkpoint due to delays…These are all examples that are listed in this movie…The emphasis of the movie was on the situation in Palestine and not the Palestinians living in diaspora (although that is still a valid issue)…Anyway, I recommend you buy this and watch it…

  3. I never said that people live outside are in worst situation than those inside, I just said that knowing the fact that even people outside are facing these problems, then people inside will have it much more harder, she’s still having some of her family members in Yaffa, and actually this DVD need to have more ads everywhere

  4. Very true.

  5. I know this is Irrelevant to Occupation 101. But I just wanted to tell you Ali, and all other Egyptians in Redmond, that our team which will represent Egypt in this year’s Microsoft Imagine Cup will be visiting Redmond on June 26th (next Tuesday) to make a demo of our project in front of Bill Gates and Craig Mundie. It would be great to meet you guys!! So I hope we can arrange something 🙂

  6. You can email me to arrange something, my email is:

    mmeshref (a t) microsoft ( . ) c o m

    Sorry for that, but I don’t know how smart are the spam engines right now 🙂

  7. Unfortunately, they ship to US & Canada only!

  8. Ahmed,
    I hope i could make it to Redmond before 26th of June, to catch your demo – that i missed earlier here in Cairo Microsoft Innovation Center – but i just cannot make it! 🙂

    I’ll be very happy to help you out before you leave guys 😉

    Say hi to Tarek & Ahmad 🙂

    Wish you best of luck guys

  9. Ahmed: thats great to here – Tarek Gaaly also contacted me (on Facebook) so I guess you guys are coming together…

    Feel free to email me – I’m at aliabdin – and the last part of my email is the same as Meshref’s 🙂

  10. Shall: Congrats on your H-1B approval 🙂 See you soon…As for the DVD – I know Aramex has this service where you can have things shipped to a US address and then they will ship it to you in Egypt…Might be worth a shot 🙂 Or wait till end of Sept when u come to order it 😛

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